(770) 765-3478 [email protected]

Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association Announce the Launch of the LISTA Northern California Technology Council

Being Latinos in Tech can be challenging in a sector still considered to be a “Good Ole Boys Club”!  LISTA believes with focus, desire, the right tools and through LISTA National Network now more than ever there are many resources and mentors available who...

State Farm Wants A Few Good Neighbors To Stay In The Right Lane And Test Its Driving App.

In a novel exercise that is one part mobile app beta-test and one part clever branding, State Farm is looking for 5000 people to download its RightLane Android app for testing. The company is trying to see how much driving information it can collect accurately without...

LISTA Guest Blogger Mario H. Lopez on Leveraging Mobile Broadband for Hispanic Communities

No one can deny the impact that Hispanics are having on America’s political, cultural, and economic spheres.  Across the nation, Hispanics are not just changing the landscape because of what they do, but rather how they do it. With regard to broadband access – a...