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JorgeBeing Latinos in Tech can be challenging in a sector still considered to be a “Good Ole Boys Club”!  LISTA believes with focus, desire, the right tools and through LISTA National Network now more than ever there are many resources and mentors available who want to connect with you.

On behalf of the Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association National Board of directors we are pleased to announce the launch of the LISTA Northern California Technology Council of Sacramento, this rapidly growing organization of technology professionals and business owners will expand their activities later this year to Sacramento, San Francisco, Silicon Valley and San Jose, the organization’s leaders will be from all parts of Northern California with their objective of strengthening their community, focusing on supporting the advancement of Latinos in the NorCal tech sector.

Jorge Avila LISTA NorCal Tech President 

Giving this Council of seasoned technology professionals  an organized reach into Silicon Valley will collectively advance the work individuals and smaller business groups are doing and share information. I think we have to learn to share information and collaborate for the empowerment of our community,”  says Jose Marquez-Leon, CEO of Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association,

Mr. Marquez says this North California Tech Council  will also enhance the networking abilities of various techs and small business in the NorCal this will help  individual and isolated technologist an opportunity to share information with and collectively to advance the work that’s out there on such efforts as globalization policies, new recruitment and retention strategies.

LISTA now has 15 professional tech council and over 4,500 individual members working at different public and private tech sectors. LISTA growth comes at a time when the nation’s weakened economy and a moderating political climate appear to have cooled  diversity programs and advocacy and forced many groups to retrench. Meanwhile, the notion of LISTA extending its reach to Northern California is winning praise.

“I’m really encouraged by the LISTA Nor Cal Tech Council idea, stated Mark Martinez, President and CEO of California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, LISTA’s commitment to access, opportunity, jobs and diversity and help promote the participation of Latinos in Northern California. This Tech Council should help encourage more participation by the Nor Cal Tech Sector.

“Norcal is a hot bed for technology opportunity and innovation. Latinos need to be part of this  and thrive. There’s a growing need for professional development of those involved in technology and multicultural education,” says Jorge Avila, President of the LISTA Northern California Tech Council. “LISTA is the vehicle our community needs to do it.”

“We are pleased to be a part of LISTA and to be given the opportunity to serve in a leadership capacity with the launch of LISTA NorCal. Educating, inspiring, motivating, and empowering the next generation of Latino Entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley while giving back to the Latino community. The LISTA North California Tech Council will provide training more frequently and in a cost efficient manner, where all our community can come and develop their tech business,” says Chester Ruiz, Executive Vice President of the LISTA Northern California Tech Council. Our group will hold quarterly training sessions for technology professionals on a wide range of topics.

Marquez says he is excited about the LISTA Nor Cal Tech Council’s efforts so far, together with the California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce I think we have a framework that will work.”.

About Latino in Information Sciences and Technology Association (LISTA) (www.techlatino.org ) 

LISTA is a 501c3 that promotes the utilization of the technology sectors for the empowerment of the Latino community. We are an organization that is committed to bringing various elements of Technology under one central hub to facilitate our partners, members and the community with the leverage and education they need to succeed in a highly advanced technologically driven society.

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