(770) 765-3478 [email protected]
TechLatino Associate Partner Program


TechLatino Associate Partner Program

Put Your Business to Work for the Latino Community

There is no better way to introduce your business, service, and expertise to the TechLatino community than through our TAPP Program. Where else can you gain visibility to the business, educational, technical, cultural, civic and governmental sectors of the Latino community all at once?

The TechLatino Associate Partner Program (TAPP) was launched in late fall of 2010 and was received with great enthusiasm by all of the businesses in our community. The goal of the TAPP Program is to address the need for our network to do business with each other through corporate partners giving discounts to small and medium-size businesses helps scale and grow beyond the scope of local.


  • Hispanic-owned businesses are growing at a rate three times the national average
  • Help our Latinos Tech Business Enterprises (LTBE) connect with federal agencies and corporate partners in order to develop new business relationships
  • LTBE Members have reported new contracts, new partnerships and increased sales after TechLatino: Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Associations introductions
  • As a National Member of the LISTA TAPP program, TechLatino covers the LTBE’s local chamber membership cost to ensure our local chambers retain more members and you can connect locally as well as nationally. Win-Win
  • TechLatino is the only national organization with this type of business introduction program

The TAPP Program has numerous benefits for both new and established businesses. A few highlights of membership include:

  • Opportunity to present business at a @techlatino and to be included in the meeting minutes that are featured on the website
  • Highlighted on the @techlatino website
  • Opportunity for inclusion in video loop of @techlatino-member interviews aired online and on the Internet

Benefactor Level – $5,000 Benefits Include:

  • Company ‘highlight’ on New TechLatino website (120-word limit) with a link to the company website
  • News Release features about your company (2 times per Year )
  • Company feature in electronic President’s Update
  • Priority placement in the TechLatino diversity referral database
  • Free access to TechLatino updates, training, and webinars
  • Access to our Procurement Council & Senior Executive through personal introductions
  • TechLatino advocacy for your industry
  • Discounts on major TechLatino events and seminars – speaking, booth placements and sponsorship
  • Priority placement for TechLatino Matchmaking Events
  • 2 complimentary National Emerging Tech Leaders Forums

* Offer discounts on products and services to our members

Innovator Level – $3,000- Benefits Include:

  • News Release features about your company (1 time per Year )
  • Company feature in electronic President’s Update or letter
  • Priority placement in the TechLatino diversity referral database
  • Free access to TechLatino updates, training, and webinars
  • Access to our Procurement Council & Senior Executive through personal introductions
  • Discounts on major TechLatino events and seminars – speaking, booth placements and sponsorship
  • Priority placement for TechLatino Matchmaking Events
  • 1 complimentary National Emerging Tech Leaders Forums of your choice

* Offer discounts on products and services to our members

Donation Policy: The National Association of Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology will accept donations of cash, credit or publicly traded securities. Services and gifts in kind will be accepted at the discretion of the National Association of Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology.