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Learning Twitter tips like these will give you good insight into how you can improve your strategy, and ramp up your networking efforts. From now until Christmas, you have a window of opportunity to leverage these great ideas and make them work for your business. Today, I’m giving you a quick and easy list of pro tips for your Twitter strategy.

#1: Add a Page Header

You can now add a page header image (1200×600, max 5mb) make sure that yours helps define your brand identity.

#2: Bookmark Twitter Tips

Add a few key search terms on Twitter tips to your list of indexed keywords on Google, and have fresh information delivery to your inbox each day.

#3: Dial Back The Direct Promotion

Instead of publishing ad tweets, add value by promoting something worthwhile, and attach an ad message to that once the reader clicks through.

#4: Exclusive on Twitter

Treat your Twitter followers like they are special, and give them exclusive deals and coupons. These twitter tips will help expand your fan base.

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twitter915 20 Quick Twitter Tips To Be Thankful For This Thanksgiving

#5: Be a Twitter Crusader

Your Twitter details belong on your business card, email signature, general stationary, website, sales pages, forum extension – everywhere you can put it.

#6: Use Lots of Images

One of the best Twitter tips I can give you is to focus on uploading images that enhance your tweets. People love to respond to the emotion in images.

#7: Find People on Twitter Directories

Want to add relevant people to your page? Use Twitter directories like Twollow, WeFollow and Connect.me.

#8: Resource Twitter Tips

Share resources with your community that are truly valuable and interesting. Anyone can find an infographic, but is yours something special?

#9: Make Hashtags a Habit

Use hashtags to describe your blog posts, Facebook updates or other content – or integrate a hashtag into important content, that will draw people to your Twitter page.

#10: Get on Expert Lists

Make friends with 5 key niche experts, and interact with them often. Twitter tips like this will get you put on expert lists, by the experts.

#11: Be a Twitter Chatter

Host live tweeting events or attend them to become more visible in your niche. There, you can connect, network and share with lots of influencers and potential followers.

#12: Focus on Quality Users

Focus on getting quality users by finding people to connect with who always share things on Twitter. Twitter tips like this will have a dead page transform into an active feed within days.

#13: Maintain Your Profile

Check on your connections daily, follow back, learn, reply, retweet – be active. You need to maintain your profile all the time.

Twitter Follow Text Bird Web 20 Quick Twitter Tips To Be Thankful For This Thanksgiving

#14: Use a Twitter Client

If you find direct platform use a bit much to manage, use a Twitter client like Tweetdeck. There you can form a strategy and schedule tweets.

#15: Focus on Variety

Twitter tips often don’t extend to the conversation itself, but that’s what you’re after. Focus on speaking to and about a variety of things (and people), to attract more followers.

#16: Creative DM Use

Don’t use your direct message system to try and sell something to new followers. Be creative, personal and add value instead.

#17: Be Direct and Honest

When connecting with people, get to the point! Be direct and honest and make your intentions known, or you won’t get replies.

#18: Thoughts VS Actions

Actions are important, but thoughts on Twitter matter more. A Twitter tips stream for example, with no opinion or substance won’t gain many followers.

#19: Showcase Twitter Talent

Use your Twitter community to enhance your blog, newsletter and other marketing goals. Roundups, shout-outs and ‘discussion topics of the week’ are a great place to start.

#20: Going The Extra Mile

Twitter tips like these will keep your profile buzzing! One last thought – Being on Twitter is like paying to get into a nightclub. You’ve made the effort to be there, but you won’t have a good time if you don’t reach out to other people. Buy people drinks, put a platter out – show them some great dance moves, and you won’t have to spend the night alone!