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New York – Thursday, On Thursday May 24th at 7:00 p.m. ET, Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association will host their 11th Annual National Tech Latino Achiever’s Award Gala, also known for their acronym LISTA, Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association, will recognize President and CEO of NewCom International, Jaime Dickinson for his cutting edge work in the industry of telecommunications, business savvy and working tirelessly in bridging the digital divide among Hispanic domestically and abroad.

“It is people like Jaime Dickinson who exemplify true leadership in the Latino community and is truly a beacon in our industry. He ensures that every Latino has the opportunity not only to understand the industry but to ensure that no matter how remote the region every child has a fighting chance for an education and to stay connected with the world they live in,” proclaims President and CEO of LISTA, Jose Marquez-Leon. “Dickinson reminds us that we need to do in this industry, which is to work tirelessly domestically and aboard for the great purpose of all.”

The Peruvian born CEO was humbled when he was tapped by the recognized national organization with grassroots tentacles within the community. “It is a true honor to receive such a prestigious award. Those that came before me were trailblazers, and to be considered one among them is truly humbling,” states Dickinson and continues; “It is important that children see us in zenith of success so they too believe as I did when I was their age, that with faith, hard work, and perseverance all is possible no matter where they come from despite the what of their skin, or their accent,” declares Dickinson.

One of Jaime Dickinson’s proudest moments was to be able to provide infrastructure to a rural
region of Colombia, which is riddled with poverty, and drug infested crimes. The challenges faced by his organization were monstrous but more importantly the success that came out of the project was eternal. Jaime Dickinson will also have an opportunity to share with participants some of his experiences and insight in the industry as a panelist earlier in the day during the conference and award a scholarship to a young and aspiring STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) student.

Join Us in Atlanta on May 23rd and 24th for the National Emerging Technology Leadership Summit and National Latino Technology Achievers Awards Register @ www.techlatino247.org | Follow the conversation | #techlatino247 |#techlatino

About NewCom International
NewCom International is an industry leader in the global transport of communications via satellite, IP and fiber,
including videoconference and collaboration services. As an innovative communications company, we are committed to the fast, efficient delivery of customized solutions for the oil and gas market. Named the second fastest growing teleport operator in the world, NewCom was founded on the principals of unparalleled customer service and fast delivery. Based in Miami, Florida, we manage dedicated and shared platforms, along with space segment on various satellites. Our world-class teleport facility in Miami and Points of Presence in UK and Singapore provide an excellent home base for companies requiring local and regional fiber connections and Internet access with the best possible IP routes around the world. With our highly trained staff of engineers and comprehensive 24/7 engineering support, we can turn up or update service within 24 hours and provide around-the-clock system monitoring to ensure the service continuity oil and gas businesses require. For more information please log onto www.newcominternational.com.

About Latino in Information Sciences and Technology Association (LISTA)
LISTA (www.a-lista.org) promotes the utilization of the technology sectors for the empowerment of the Latino
community. We are an organization that is committed to bringing various elements of Technology under one central
hub to facilitate our partners, members and the community with the leverage and education they need to succeed in
a highly advanced technologically driven society. LISTA Mission is to educate, motivate and encourage the use of
technology in the Latino community and empowering them to bridge the digital divide. Follow the conversation on
twitter#techlatino247 or LISTA1.

Immediate Release
Press Contact: Carmen L. Coya
404 408 2103
[email protected]

Contact LISTA for more information.
John Simmons
800 775 0889
[email protected]

Follow LISTA on twitter @lista1 | @latinohealthit |#techlatino247 |#techlatino