(770) 765-3478 [email protected]

How To Tether Your Smartphone in Case Hurricane Sandy Knocks Out Your Internet.

If you’re reading this, you’re lucky enough not to live in one of the 100,000-plus homes across Virginia, Delaware, New Jersey, and other states that, as of about 2:45 p.m. Monday, have already lost power due to Hurricane Sandy. You already have a disaster plan for...

Uber-connected Latinos Spend Billions on Mobile, says New Study by Kristian Ramos

It’s no secret young people live on their cell or smart phones, but for Latino youth –that rings even truer. A new report written by Mobile Future and the Hispanic institute underlines young Hispanics and new generations of Americans spend heavily on mobile...

LISTA #TechLatino247 Guest Blogger Kristian Ramos: Technology is the key to success for Latinos

Think back to your childhood and remember what it was like learning to type. Remember the computer class room, full of desktop computers and learning the Herzog System of typing. How critical that was for future job prospects. Now imagine your children’s computer...

LISTA Guest Blogger: George "Urban Jibaro" Torres 5 Tips on How To Effectively Reconnect With Your Hispanicize Friends. #hispz12

So I literally just got home from Sunny Miami where I spent the week sharing best practices, eating Croquetas & drinking Mojitos with some of the most influential bloggers, brands and media professionals at Hispanicize 2012. If you are anything like me, you come...