by JAM | Apr 20, 2016 | Comcast, FCC, LISTA, LISTA in the News
New Xfinity TV Partner App will leverage open standard technologies to provide access to Xfinity TV content and guide on smart TVs and other IP-enabled devices. Comcast today announced the launch of the Xfinity TV Partner Program to expand the range of retail devices...
by JAM | Apr 20, 2016 | Big data, FCC, LISTA, LISTA in the News
Google is continuing to place an emphasis on websites that are designed to be mobile friendly. For those of you who’ve made the investment in upgrading your website to a mobile responsive design, you can rest assured that your investment will continue to pay...
by JAM | Apr 20, 2016 | #techlatino247, Cyber Security, FCC, HTTP, LISTA, LISTA in the News
The road to our connected future may be paved with good intentions, but it may not be secure enough to drive on. As reporter Andy Greenberg recently detailed in Wired, hackers were able to remotely disable a Jeep while he was driving it. In a country where car...
by JAM | Apr 18, 2016 | Cyber Security, FCC, LISTA
“Independent regulatory agencies, by law, are supposed to make their decisions based on facts in the public record and not based on politics or pressure from the White House. Unfortunately, just as it did in the Title II proceeding, the White House is intervening in...