(770) 765-3478 [email protected]

google_200x200Google is continuing to place an emphasis on websites that are designed to be mobile friendly. For those of you who’ve made the investment in upgrading your website to a mobile responsive design, you can rest assured that your investment will continue to pay dividends.

If you have not yet updated your website’s design to be mobile friendly, you risk falling behind your competition and showing lower on the search results.

Google has provided a tool for you to check whether or not your website is mobile friendly.

Thankfully, BannerView.com is here to help. Please get in touch with us as soon as possible so we can work to upgrade your website to be mobile friendly.

For more reporting on this change, please read the following article:

http://venturebeat.com/2016/03/16/google-will-start-ranking-mobile-frien dly-sites-even-higher-in-may/