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New York, NY-May 22, 2012 The Rev. Dr. Joseph Lowery will be honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award by Latinos in Information Science and Technology Association at its annual National TechLatino Achievers Awards Gala Dinner to be held in Atlanta Ga. on May 24th 2012.

“I am honored and thrilled to give Rev. Dr Joseph Lowery LISTA’s Lifetime Achievement Award,” said Jose A. Marquez-Leon. “It is through the efforts of Dr. King and Joseph Lowery we are all able to do what we do today. However in a time where Latino civil rights are under attack, we can learn much from Rev. Lowery about standing up for what you believe in, regardless of the consequences.”

The Montgomery bus boycott, the Birmingham street protests, the historic “I have a dream” rally in Washington, D.C., the Selma march for voter rights, the Memphis sanitation workers strike, the first civil disobedience action against apartheid outside the South African embassy—Joseph Lowery was always there, a nonviolent warrior for equality and justice, a leader willing to go to jail for his beliefs.

Together with the Rev. Ralph Abernathy and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Lowery founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and 51 years later, he was given the honor of offering the benediction at the inauguration of America’s first Black president. In his blessing, he implored God to help Americans make choices “on the side of love, not hate, on the side of inclusion not exclusion.”

Now retired from the pulpit, the civil rights activist served for years as the pastor of the Cascade United Methodist Church in Atlanta. He still lives in Atlanta, and he is still a force to be reckoned with as he advocates for better health care, housing and education for the poor.

It is fitting that LISTA honors Joseph Lowery at its 12th Annual Tech Latino Achievers Awards dinner. Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association represents Hispanic technology professionals from all across the country and since 2001 has honored fortune 500 tech professionals who happen to be Latinos.

LISTA (www.a-lista.org) promotes the utilization of the technology sectors for the empowerment of the Latino community. LISTA is committed to bringing various elements of technology under one central hub to facilitate our partners, members and the community with the leverage and education they need to succeed in a highly advanced technologically driven society. LISTA’s Mission is to educate, motivate and encourage the use of technology in the Latino community and empowering them to bridge the digital divide. Our premiere network spans over 15 Chapters, 4700 members and 75,000 subscribers. LISTA’s focus is to develop the next generation of Latino technology leaders, grow strong technology businesses and leadership teams and role models in a rapidly changing socioeconomic IT industry.

Immediate Press Release
John Simmons
[email protected]