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LISTA-Logo-200Latinos in Information Science and Technology Association (LISTA) applaud the Federal Commission Communications, the agency responsible for oversight of the nation’s communications system, for its timely and promising circulation of a proposed rule making on the Designated Entity (DE) program, created to identify and preserve small businesses for FCC’s spectrum auctions.  LISTA, the nation’s leading organization of technology professionals, views today’s effort as a positive affirmation from FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler to foster competition and diversity in next year’s spectrum incentive auction. 

 “We have been waiting for the FCC and others to recognize the importance of Congress’ Designated Entity program to cultivating new and small incumbent players in commercial wireless auctions,” stated Jose Marquez, president and chief executive officer for LISTA. The Chairman’s goal is simple to have common sense rules in place before the Incentive Auction, LISTA hopes that we should all work together to empower small businesses and entrepreneurs so they too can be part of the spectrum economy. 

“Our hats off to the Commission for circulating this item, as well as moving forward on the relief sought around the Attributable Material Relationship (AMR) Rule for Grain Management and other similar companies.  #DEscan’twait!”