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Google offers a variety of research and analytic tools for webmasters and search marketing professionals. Recently, Google announced that two of these popular tools, Google Insights and Google Trends, were merging into one all encompassing new interface. Online users are now able to use the new Google Trends to follow trending online interest and compare popular search terms over time and across geographical regions. The new Google Trends also includes an updated line chart and map which allows users to load pages on mobile devices, see results without scrolling and receive information for “Hot Searches” for new countries including India, Japan and Singapore. Below is a screenshot of the new interface comparing two terms “vineyard tour” and “wine tour”:

The new Google Trends interface

As shown in the line and bar graphs, “wine tour” has had a greater web search interest from 2004 – present time. Highlighted in the red box on the left side are the filter options available. Users are able to choose between Web Search, Image Search, News Search and Product Search. Filters can also be set to show information for specific geographical locations, time frames and categories. The new Google Trends is easy to navigate through and use, making it a good research option for both novice and professional online users.