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Diversity Advisory Panel –> Several Hispanics have been appointed to the Federal Communications Commission’s rechartered Federal Advisory Diversityfor Communications in the Digital Age.The first meeting has been scheduled for Dec. 6, according to the FCC.

The Diversity Committee’s mission is to advice the FCC regarding policies and practices that will enhance diversity in the telecommunications and related industries.

Henry Rivera, vice chairman of the Emma Bowen Foundation for Minority Interests in Media, is chairman of this FCCDiversity Committee.

All Hispanic members include:
— Joaquin Alvarado, senior vice president, digital innovation, American Public Media | Minnesota Public Radio.

— Philip Alvelda, co-founder, MobiTV.

— Jessica Gonzalez, vice president, policy and legal affairs, the National Hispanic Media Coalition.

— Anton Guitano, chief operating officer of CBS Local Media.

Jose Marquez, president, chief executive officer and founder, Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association (LISTA) and Managing Director ofThe National Latino Alliance on Health Information Technology  (The Latino HIT Alliance)

— Robert Mendez, senior vice president, diversity, Disney ABC Television Group.

— Celia Nogales, assistant vice president of regulatory, AT&T.

— Javier Palomarez, president and chief executive officer of the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

— Tony Perez, president-elect, National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors.

— Walter Ulloa, chairman and chief executive officer, Entravision.