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Hispanicize.com Expands With Regular Contributors and More Content Devoted to Hispanic/Multicultural Social Media

Hispanicize.com, the nation’s leading news and industry insights platform about Latino social media trends in technology, marketing, entertainment and media, has relaunched its website with expanded coverage and the appointment of Bill Gato as editorial director.

As part of its major redesign, Hispanicize.com, the editorial content division of Hispanicize, LLC, will produce more original news, multimedia stories, interviews with industry leaders, technology features and reviews.

“Beginning with today’s relaunch we will work even harder to chronicle the trends and trendsetters that use social media to influence Latinos and multicultural audiences in media, marketing, entertainment, blogging, technology and social affairs,” said Cristy Clavijo-Kish, CEO of Hispanicize, LLC. “This robust platform will strive to be inclusive of the many entrepreneurs, leaders, companies and voices that together comprise the world of Hispanic/multicultural social media.”

Coinciding with the web site’s makeover is also the appointment of digital marketing entrepreneur, marketing consultant and award-winning journalist Bill Gato to the post of editorial director. Gato is also the former president and co-founder of Hispanic Digital Network (HDN), the first national network of Hispanic newspapers and magazines online now owned by PR Newswire.

“Bill is an outstanding talent who is well respected in the Hispanic digital media space and has the unique combination of entrepreneur and journalist needed for this post,” said Clavijo-Kish, a former business partner of Gato’s at HDN and its sister company Hispanic PR Wire.

The new Hispanicize.com will continue to feature stories from longtime contributing blogger/entrepreneur Michele Ruiz and PR professional Natalia Flores while adding more posts from other industry thought leaders.

The new Hispanicize.com will also include:

News: This includes news about new Latino or multicultural Facebook programs, Twitter initiatives, executive job appointments, marketing account wins, technological breakthroughs and more.

Start-Up Latino: Content from this new category is to feature a wide variety of stories of particular interest to Latino entrepreneurs and start ups. This will underscore one of Hispanicize’s key educational goals for entrepreneurs.

How To Stories and Videos: A new key content category on Hispanicize.com is the “How To” content. This category will focus on social media stories that are step-by-step and intended to support the growing Hispanicize blogger network. Case studies will be highlighted as part of the series.

Research: The Hispanicize team will devote more focus to developing credible research that illustrates the impact and growth of Latino social media programs, issues, and more across many disciplines.

Tutorials/Webinars: Hispanicize.com will continue with its tradition of creating industry-leading webinars and tutorials that demystify how to conduct social media programs.

Latino Blogger News: These blogger news roundups will spotlight the projects, campaigns and initiatives involving Latino and multicultural bloggers.