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The Internet of Everything Has Begun..Marie Hattar

When most people think of their early experiences with the internet, the memory comes with a sound: the scratchy noise of a dial-up modem. What a long way we’ve come. We have gone from clumsy desktop computing to a world of mobile computing with smartphones, laptops,...

Miami grows as Latino TV hub

If you had to guess where most of the TV programming for Latinos is being produced these days, where would you guess? L.A., New York, Texas? How about Miami? A recent deal has solidified Miami as a major television hub. Ana Sagastegui was born in Peru. She has worked...

Ken Salazar's Exit Leaves Obama Cabinet Without Latinos

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar will leave the Obama administration by the end of March, a departure that means that the president’s cabinet may be left without any Latino members. Salazar, a fifth-generation Coloradan and former senator, plans to return to his...