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fcc-logo-100066756-largeLatinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association (LISTA) share our public support of the Federal Communications Commission as they release the Notice for Proposed Rulemaking focused on the Designated Entity (DE) program. Latinos continue to increase in their use of mobile devices and wireless services.  We see today’s release of the NPRM as the next step in ensuring that Latino consumers not only use these services, but also contribute to the production and ownership of wireless assets.  As the Commission proceeds with this NPRM, we hope that enough time is allocated to gather comments for the record that demonstrate the need to incentivize small businesses, especially those owned by Latinos, to participate in the agency’s upcoming spectrum auctions. LISTA looks forward to participating in the public conversation about the possible overhaul of the congressionally mandated DE program and applauds the Commission for their ongoing attention to this very important challenge of increasing minority spectrum ownership.