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Mobile-Banking-AppsThis paper looks at the risk/reward ratio as it exists today – as this is still a highly dynamic and fast moving area – and how new security technology from Webroot can help financial institutions become more adept and efficient at managing their app risk/reward calculations.

The market demand for mobile banking technology and its rapidly increasing adoption rate means that many banks have been managing the security risk of mobile apps almost entirely on their own. The reward for success is improved customer convenience and retention, and substantial operational cost savings. This paper looks at the risk/reward ratio as it exists today – as this is still a highly dynamic and fast moving area – and how new security technology from Webroot can help financial institutions become more adept and efficient at managing their app risk/reward calculations.
Read More: http://www.wsta.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/WP_Risks-Rewards-of-Mobile-Banking-Apps_us-150902.pdf?utm_source=Vocus&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=mary.servetah%40wsta.org&utm_content=WSTA+LimeLight+Newsletter++April+2015