(770) 765-3478 [email protected]

or_942_net-neturality-1024x670The Internet is the fastest deploying technology in world history. It’s a 21st Century engine of innovation that provides an open platform for entrepreneurs, visionaries, and kids in their garages to follow their dreams. And it didn’t happen by accident.

The Internet works for Americans because government had wisely chosen to let the web grow and thrive without burdensome regulation that can increase consumer bills, choke progress and smother innovation. But instead of continuing this path of tremendous success, the FCC recently approved a massive regulatory regime that piles on thousands of new rules all in the name of preserving net neutrality. These rules, called Title II, aren’t necessary for net neutrality and they certainly aren’t going to increase competition or make the Internet faster, better or more innovative.

The FCC’s unnecessary action is legally questionable and will result in years of litigation and marketplace uncertainty. The good news is that Congress can act to deliver the permanent net neutrality protections that consumers are demanding.


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The FCC recently approved a massive regulatory regime that piles on thousands of new rules onto the Internet all in the name of preserving net neutrality. These rules, called Title II, aren’t necessary for net neutrality and they certainly aren’t going to increase competition or make the Internet faster, better or more innovative.

That’s why we need Congress to pass a law and ensure that we get permanent net neutrality.

Take action at unitedforanopeninternet.com