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As if we needed more evidence that smartphones aren’t just for corporate types any more, LG has come out with a survey noting that the devices have become an important part of parental life.

According to a survey of more than 2,200 adults by Harris Interactive on behalf of LG, more than half (57%) of all parents said they relied on their smartphone to keep them on track. Two-thirds of parents who work said the phones have enabled them to achieve a better work/life balance. (At the same time, 62% said they use their smartphone during family time.)

But any parent will tell you, a smartphone is more than just a communications device. Nearly two-thirds of the parents (63%) surveyed said they use their phones for their children’s entertainment. Nearly a third (27%) have used their phones to read a book to their children.

Using these findings, LG is targeting its new Viper 4G LTE phone directly at moms. The phone, which will be available on Sprint’s wireless network, will include availability of a free app, “Life’s Good Fairytales,” that allows parents and children to customize stories by uploading photos, names and voices directly into the smartphone. The company has also enlisted actress and mother Ali Landy to promote the phone via media appearances.

Read more: http://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/173038/parents-find-use-in-smartphones.html?edition=46027%20#ixzz1tilUyIG6