(770) 765-3478 [email protected]

TechLatino: a technology-focused professional organization.

TechLatino is the premier national community for Latino technology professionals, businesses and students. Our founders have a proven talent with innovation and advancement. Our nationwide network inspires, educates and brings actionable solutions to the Latino culture. Deeply invested in growth and excellence, we come together to build the bridge across the digital divide.


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We conduct workshops and seminars, national business series, research, policy analysis, and technology awareness programs in order to provide a Latino perspective in key areas in technology — in order to develop the 21st century workforce, through coding, health information technology, STEAM education, employment/economic status, business development and broadband advocacy.


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The annual Emerging Tech Leadership Summit brings together technology companies, institutions of higher learning and technology professionals to provide resources and information to the next generation of techs professionals. The technology summit is designed to share effective strategies to recruit, retain and develop Latino talent in an effort to build a pipeline, which includes Latino talent.

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Thanks to Our Sponsors

Noticias Newswire

Over 200 Tech Executives in Sacramento Attend ETL Summit Kickoff

Dear Partners, Supporters, Members,  Friends, We would like to take the time to thank each of you for your continued support of Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association and the TechLatino LISTA Nor Cal Emerging tech leaders' Summit in the beautiful...


The Internet is the fastest deploying technology in world history. It's a 21st Century engine of innovation that provides an open platform for entrepreneurs, visionaries, and kids in their garages to follow their dreams. And it didn't happen by accident. The Internet...