(770) 765-3478 info@techlatino.org
net.neutrality.290x195“Telecom regulators submitted the net neutrality rules to the Register [two weeks ago]. And on Friday, the Register put the document out on what’s called ‘public inspection’—a step that takes place one business day before they’re published. Beginning Monday, then, opponents of the net neutrality rule will have a small window in which to file a legal challenge to the Federal Communications Commission. Individual providers such as Comcast and Verizon are expected to take more of a backseat role in the looming litigation.” 
Get ready: On Monday, the government’s new net neutrality rules will be published in the Federal Register, opening the door to lawsuits from Internet providers looking to toss out the rules. The Federal Register is the official record of government business. It’s where new rules and regulations, like net neutrality, are published and made final. Telecom regulators submitted the net neutrality rules to the Register last week. And on Friday, the Register put the document out on what’s called “public inspection” — a step that takes place one business day before they’re published. Beginning Monday, then, opponents of the net neutrality rule will have a small window in which to file a legal challenge to the Federal Communications Commission. The trade groups will likely argue that the FCC didn’t adequately notify the public about certain provisions of the rules, in a violation of federal process. Analysts also say the agency will be challenged on some of the substance of the rules, which seek to reclassify Internet providers as telecommunications providers rather than a lightly regulated “information service.” One trade group and a small, Texas-based Internet provider have already tried to sue — but those challenges haven’t gone very far, as the regulations in question haven’t yet been made public. All that will change next week.

Brian Fung covers technology for The Washington Post, focusing on telecom,
broadband and digital politics. Before joining the Post, he was the technology
correspondent for National Journal and an associate editor at the Atlantic.
Read More: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2015/04/10/net-neutrality-is-about-to-land-in-the-official-record-making-it-fair-game-for-lawsuits/