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LGomezLISTA congratulates Georgia TechLatino Council President on his the recent election of Leonard Gomez as Mayor Pro-Tem for the City of Grantville, making him the 1st Latino to serve in that capacity in the state of Georgia.

“We are very proud of Leonard”, said Jose A. Marquez, CEO, Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association, “He has a strong commitment to community and his no excuses work ethic will make him the best Mayor Grantville will have. Congratulations you’ve earned all the accolades you are receiving.”

Mayor Pro-Tem Gomez said, “Being elected by my colleagues on the Council is a humbling honor for me.  The citizens believe and trust me to protect, to serve and to represent the city in a respectable manner.  Being the first Latino to have been elected as Mayor Pro-Tem in Georgia is also an honor and I will make sure that I can be an important voice for our communities in Georgia.  While I may be the first, I certainly will work hard to get other Latinos interested in public service and running for office all across our state.  By embracing all within our communities, we make our communities and state stronger.”

“We are certainly is proud of council member Gomez and his success as an elected official.  He has always had community in mind and we know he is serving the City of Grantville well,” said Jerry Gonzalez, Executive Director of GALEO.

Gomez was originally elected to the City Council, Post 4, in 2013.  He has indicated that he was inspired to run for public office because of his participation as president of the Georgia TechLatino Council where he learned about the importance of community engagement.  After his election to the City Council of Grantville,