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leeBravo to Ad Age for publishing the 13th annual Hispanic Fact Pack – a comprehensive guide that is chock full of statistics about the Hispanic market and advertising industry.

Each year I look forward to analyzing the Hispanic Fact Pack to see how our industry continues to grow and evolve. For this post I pulled out 10 stats you can use to convince your boss to invest in Hispanic marketing.

1. $1.7 Trillion* – Projected aggregate buying power of U.S. Hispanics in 2017. Who wouldn’t want a piece of a nearly 2 trillion-dollar market?

2. 56.6 Million – Total number of Hispanics in the U.S. – 17.6% of the population. How could you not target the nation’s largest minority that is equivalent to entire population of Spain?

3. 60% – Percentage of U.S. Hispanics younger than 35 – Hispanics have also accounted for nearly half of U.S. population growth since 2010. Who do you think tomorrow’s consumers will be?

4. $7.83 Billion – Investment by companies on U.S. Hispanic major-media including TV, cable, newspaper, magazines and radio. If your competitors are betting on U.S. Hispanics, shouldn’t you?

5. $427 Million – 2015 U.S. Hispanic measured media investment from Mexican consumer products giant Genomma Lab Internacional, up 21.5% from the previous year. Genomma Lab is the number one investor in Hispanic measured media, spending $100 million more than Procter & Gamble. Clearly these guys are onto something.

6. 36 Million –  Number of U.S. Hispanic visitors to Google each month. This is a whopping 94% of all online U.S. Hispanics. Can you say critical mass?

7. 31.4 Million – Number of U.S. Hispanics that use Facebook and Messenger each month, 102 index against general market. If you are investing in social media marketing, you should definitely be targeting Hispanics.

8. 27.2% – Percentage of U.S. Hispanic adults who agree with the statement, “Social networking is a great way for me to tell people about products I like.” this vs. 23% of all adults. If you want positive word of mouth for your brand, you now know where to turn.

9. 53.8% – Percentage of U.S. Hispanics who purchased apparel products via a tablet vs. 46.5% of all adults. Hispanics also over-index across major categories when it comes to purchasing via tablet and cell phones. Your products need to be in front of U.S. Hispanic tablet and mobile users.

10. 2.5 Hours –  Amount of time U.S. Hispanics spend watching videos online per session, compared to 2.1 hours for all Americans. Create and market videos for U.S. Hispanics and they will watch them.

I hope these facts help you convince your boss to invest in Hispanic marketing – be sure to let me know how it goes or if you need more facts about Online Hispanic Marketing. ¡Suerte!

*This fact was not in the Ad Age Hispanic Fact Pack.