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Latinas Tech and Business Leaders Luncheon

Latinas Tech and Business Leaders Luncheon

Shaping the Future of Tech

Latinas are significant contributors to our country’s economic recovery and prosperity.  Latina Entrepreneurs represent the fastest growing segment of small business owners, however in technology there is still a gap.

Latinas represent nearly 700,000 businesses, generate close to $70 billion in sales and employ more than 500,000 people. TechLatino: LISTA recognizes the important role Hispanic Tech Business women serve in our community and is proud to highlight their successes and impact in our region and overall business community.

In celebration of the achievements and accomplishments of our nation’s most inspiring Hispanic Tech and Businesswomen, TechLatino: Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association (LISTA) will conduct our “Latina Tech Leadership and Business Luncheon” in Atlanta, Georgia.  This Annual Tech Leaders Luncheon is the region’s premier gathering for Hispanic tech professionals and businesses.  Each year, TechLatino: LISTA honors the accomplishments of Latino/Latinas in the tech business community.  In particular, this year the TechLatino: LISTA will create awareness and recognize the many contributions Latinas have made to drive our country’s economic recovery and prosperity.

