(770) 765-3478 [email protected]

The last time I saw her it was at a meeting with the Aetna company here in Atlanta and my friend Naomi Alarcón was looking good as always. Although I was advised she was sick she did not look it. She was sharp as a tack and as beautiful as ever. To my amazement this prominent Venezuelan journalist and public relations consultant spent much of 2012 in a war, battling cancer in his digestive system. Having survived the thorny therapy and multiple surgeries. Her last operation on the stomach took place on December 4, I thought that she was ok and all worked out well.”

So today January 4, when they text me and broke the news that Naomi had died at 47 years of age,  I could not believe it. Yes Nohemí had died what a lost to our community. Apparently suffered an internal infection following her latest operation in early December and the  microscopic bacteria was stronger than her body and took her life at the wrong time.

I knew in recent years that she was not around at the events as  often as before. I thought well maybe its her family and work commitments for those of you who didn’t know her she was a consumate professional and commitment in persona to our community a tremendous latina leader.

Here is a brief  synopsis

Naomi began her journalism career in 1994 on the west coast of the United States as a producer of Community Affairs at Telemundo 48 in San Jose, California, and then as a reporter and news anchor at Univision 14, San Francisco. Then in early 1997 she moved to Atlanta to work as a producer and presenter of Time at The Weather Channel.
But it was not until the middle of that year, 1997 (when I had the pleasure of meeting), that Naomi moved to South Florida to work in El Nuevo Herald. There she was responsible for the integration of the newspaper with local media broadcasting.

For years she was the Face of El Nuevo Herald, Nohemí graced s Univision Telemundo 23 and 51 in a 60-second segment announcing major news that would appear on the front page the next day.

Also her journalistic voice was heard through the airwaves of the now defunct Radio Unica 1210 AM, Radio Caracol 1260 AM and WQBA 1140 AM (now Univision America), in the latter where driving a Radio morning show called “Good Morning Miami “.

Unfortunately in 2006, the weak economy and changes in the labor market for local communications drove her away from the radio, television and print media. Although her great ability as a communicator opened the door to develop as public relations and regional marketing manager for Aetna Life Insurance Company Inc. There, although she missed journalism, felt happier and less stressed …

She was recognized by LISTA as a Campiona of her communidad in 2011 for her efforts and commitment to our community as part of AETNA , but this was not her only award for her philanthropic work. She was a winner and all groups wanted her around..

From Nohemí I have only fond memories and great times, her constant dedication to give all the best.  What is clear is that Naomi is no longer with us. Venezuela and the universe of U.S. Hispanic journalism lost one of the great communicators. Personally, I lost a friend … Rest in Peace Nohemí Alarcón (1965-2013). You will be surely missed.