(770) 765-3478 [email protected]

“Do I have to purchase health insurance,” a question frequently asked with the passage into law of the Affordable Care Act.  A significant motivation for the question has been the IRS tax penalty imposed upon individuals without health insurance. 

Even with the IRS mandate eliminated in 2019 my answer to the question is an unequivocal yes.  Not having health insurance exposes individuals to catastrophic medical costs associated with the unintended consequences of an illness, accident or injury. We can’t predict what the future holds but can protect ourselves and being proactive makes sense (dollars and cents).    

Since 2009 I have helped individuals 65 and over and those under 65 with the health coverage they need within their budget.  I represent a broad range of health plans while hoping clients will never need them but have them when needed.       

In the ensuing years since the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) became law there has been a high level of confusion.  Further complicating purchasing health insurance has been few exchange plans with limited benefits and doctor networks. Monthly premiums continue to be a concern as unless an individual qualifies for federal subsidies, health insurance premiums can be costly.     

As a Licensed Health & Life Insurance Agent I offer choices by representing multiple plans on and off the exchange.  Plans that can reduce cost up to 50%, voluntary plans that pay lump sum cash payments for cancer, heart attack, stroke, and dental and vision plans. 

We have become accustomed to purchasing products on the internet but health & life insurance should not be among those products.  Health insurance wording can be confusing and a wrong choice can prove a costly mistake. This can be avoided by utilizing the services of an experienced agent who like me does not charge fees nor require an obligation for advice provided.  Trust is an important component in the purchasing decision, which is difficult to earn on the phone or internet when someone is sitting hundreds of miles away, who you may never meet face to face.      

In summary there are cost-effective health insurance options best understood by working with an agent who takes the time to learn what you need and will not charge a fee for the services provided.

Let’s welcome Bob Smith as a new TechLatino Brand Ambassador and Vendor who has a broad portfolio of health coverage plans where savings of over 50% can be attained over  Affordable Care Act premiums. Welcome Bob!

Bob Smith

North American Health Plans
Health & Life Insurance Adviser
Mobile: 404-593-9663
[email protected]
Transitioning from Obamacare to Trumpcare there’s Bobcares!