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Digital Marketing Budgets On The Rise

Annual digital marketing budgets, on average, amounted to 2.5% of a company’s revenue in 2012 and will grow 9% this year. The majority of companies spend between 10% and 50% of their marketing budget on digital efforts, with an average of 25%. That spending covers...

CDC: 1 in 3 U.S. drivers read or send texts, emails

A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released Thursday finds that one in three drivers in the United States use their cellphone while behind the wheel. The director of the CDC calls it a fatal distraction and said it’s much more common in the U.S....

Dealer Ad Campaign Touts Ford as 'Best-Selling Brand'

Ford Motor Co. is not America’s biggest company. That’s ExxonMobil, according to CNNMoney’s annual “Fortune 500” rankings. Ford is not America’s top seller of cars and trucks. That’s General Motors, according to Automotive...

Forrester Forecasts 13% Gain In Online Sales

Fueled by mobile and multichannel offerings, America’s enthusiasm for online shopping shows little sign of slowing down, according to Forrester’s just-released forecast for the year ahead. E-commerce sales in the U.S. are likely to climb 13% to total $262 billion in...

Firms Need Tough Security Against Cyber-Threats

Despite a near constant barrage of news stories about cyber-espionage and cyber-attacks, business and government remain woefully behind the curve in instituting adequate safeguards. Meanwhile, threats grow and the risks multiply. According to the World Economic Forum,...