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125px-Att-logo.svgIn an effort to help ensure seamless communication throughout the 2016 National Conventions, AT&T has been named the Official Provider for Communications, Video and Technology for the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, and the Official Communications and Technology Provider of the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

As an expected 50,000 people converge on both Cleveland and Philadelphia, we anticipate historic levels of data usage. We want to make it easier for convention-goers to share experiences — through social networks, photos, videos and more — from their mobile devices. And, we want for everyone participating in the democratic process to use our network to communicate across America.

AT&T has provided other mission-critical services for the National Conventions in 1996, 2000, 2008 and 2012. With that said, we are veterans in this space and have the experience modeling the data world for significant events where large numbers of people connect, like the conventions. And, we are thrilled to once again be the official provider for the 2016 national conventions.

As part of our drive to be the premier integrated communications company in the world, AT&T employees in Cleveland and Philadelphia have been working hard over the past year to provide one of the best wired, wireless and video experiences. Preparations for the events are ongoing and include both permanent and temporary network enhancements to handle what is likely to be unprecedented levels of data.

Be sure to catch history in the making with live, unfiltered, uninterrupted coverage of the Republican and Democratic National Conventions on U-verse and DIRECTV.