(770) 765-3478 [email protected]

jamTechLatino: Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association, the nation’s largest and oldest Latino Technology Association, was excited to see our Latino youth engaged in this past political process, your voices were heard loud and clear. Now, it’s more important than ever that you continue to work to bring change to your local communities by continuing to let your voices be heard through continued civic participation.

Like you, I too was saddened by the outcome of the recent election, but let’s reflect on what Secretary Clinton’s campaign accomplished—she opened the door for young women across the country to stand on her shoulders and break the final glass ceiling. To her we say thank you! With an election filled with the politics of hate and division, our new hope is President-Elect Trump follows through on his claims and works with “all” Americans for the betterment of this nation.

To all students across the country we acknowledge, you are the future, the wellbeing of our country depends on you. It is you who must build the path forward on our journey. Stay strong, question everything, and be the light for our community.

As for TechLatino and the rest of the national Hispanic organizations, we will engage our community and if given the opportunity, educate the new administration on the needs of the Latino Community. We must take the conversation from Table to Table, Street to Street, State to State and develop a strategic plan of engagement and most importantly we must put our issues to the side for the good of our community.

The time is now, to become a united community, we must become a united voting block. We must take action and become powerful enough to repudiate any abhorrent agendas that may surface in the months to come.

The stakes have never been higher. We have worked too hard, sacrificed too much to let it go by the wayside in one night. We must organize, work harder, we must hold accountable all our elected officials, so that the new administration’s agenda will benefit all Americans.”

You got our pledge that TechLatino: LISTA’s will be ready, steadfast, indomitable and united behind a vision and plan of action to shape a nation where we can all thrive and have dignity, where we can care for our community and flourish in freedom from all forms of inequality.

We will stand together no matter where we may be from. #togetherwearestronger.

We invite you to journey with us.

Siempre pa’lante,

Jose Marquez,


TechLatino: Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association

Twitter: @lista1